Welcome to Computer Vision III: Detection, Segmentation and Tracking course offered in SS21.
Date and location:
Until further notice, all lectures will be held online
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Laura Leal-Taixé and Dr. Ismail Elezi.
2V + 2U
Due to covid-19, all lectures will be recorded!
No location.
Details will be announced soon.
- 20.04.2021 - Lecture 1: Introduction and Lecture 2: Two-stage detectors (RCNN, Fast RCNN, Faster RCNN)
- 27.04.2021 - Lecture 3: One-stage detectors (YOLO, RetinaNet)
- 04.05.2021 - Lecture 4: Single/multi-object tracking
- 11.05.2021 - Lecture 5: Multiple object tracking (Message Passing Networks)
- 18.05.2021 - Lecture 6: Transformers and its usage in Computer Vision
- 25.05.2021 - Lecture 7: Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction (GANs)
- 01.06.2021 - No lecture
- 08.06.2021 - Lecture 8: Semantic segmentation
- 15.06.2021 - Lecture 9: Instance segmentation
- 22.06.2021 - No lecture
- 29.06.2021 - Lecture 10: Video object segmentation
- 06.07.2021 - Lecture 11: 3D Tracking and segmentation
- 13.07.2021 - Final competition presentation by the winners
Practical sessions
- 01.05.2021 - Initial code for exercises released
- 13.05.2021 - Exercise 1: Presentation
- 20.05.2021 - Exercise 1: Zoom session 1
- 27.05.2021 - Exercise 1: Zoom session 2
- 02.06.2021 - Exercise 1 deadline (midnight)
- 03.06.2021 - Exercise 1: solution and Exercise 2: Presentation
- 10.06.2021 - Exercise 2: Zoom 1
- 17.06.2021 - Exercise 2: Zoom 2
- 23.06.2021 - Exercise 2: deadline
- 24.06.2021 - Exercise 2: solution
- 08.07.2021 - Final competition deadline
Office Hours
- 18.05.2021 (10:00-12:00) - it covers the first five lectures
We use Moodle for discussions and to distribute important information. Please check the News and Discussion boards regularly or subscribe to them.
The slides and all material will also be posted on Moodle.
If you have any questions regarding the organization of the course, do not hesitate to contact us at: dst@dvl.in.tum.de
For questions on the syllabus, exercises or any other questions on the content of the lecture, we will use the Moodle discussion board.